“The Rich Gets Richer. The Poor Gets Poorer.”

Have you ever heard of that saying?  Have you given it a second thought and maybe considered “No. That’s not right.”? Let me shed some new light on this saying. Watch the video first before you read on. The point there is that statement will only be...

Give Yourself a Raise

When was the last time you had a raise from your basic pay? I can’t remember when I had one, either, not because I just didn’t really have one. I can’t remember getting a raise because I give MYSELF that raise. I don’t depend on any boss or...

A Foundation for Success: Gratitude

One value that I always keep within me when I have achieved something – big or small – is to be genuinely thankful. Gratitude is a value that is not very difficult to instill and even share to others. When we show people how grateful we are, it resonates...