For people working a full time job and trying to spend time with family, do chores, and keep things moving forward, running a part time home business is an additional challenge. With the limited time you have available, how can you pack the limited time for your...
Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, keeping busy all day but not making progress toward your goals? Do you find yourself leaving the most important things until the end of the day and then having to either rush through them or abandon them all...
The other day my friend posted her email inbox unread count. It was in the 1,000s. Can you relate? If you’re tired of being flooded with emails- it’s time to take charge! “Inbox Zero” is now possible with these easy-to-use free tools. Here...
Feeling overwhelmed? Have more to do than time? It’s time to learn how to free up your time and say no to the things that are less important. For more productivity tips, sign up for FREE...
99% of people struggle with distractions- you are not alone. Let’s cut to the heart of why you’re distracted, the effects of distraction, and how to ruthlessly eliminate distractions that are holding you back. For FREE daily productivity tips, click...
Once you realize the type of activities you tend to procrastinate, there is a “mind hack” you can use to cure yourself of the habit. More on that in a minute. How many hours of time and energy are wasted every week by procrastination? And even worse, how...