Is Youtube or Facebook Better for Video?

Is Youtube or Facebook Better for Video?

Wow! When I saw these results, it left no question in my mind.  If you’re only putting your videos on youtube, you’re missing out on a ton of exposure. This isn’t the most scientific study- different topics and types of videos will have different...
How to Get Your First 1000 YouTube Subscribers

How to Get Your First 1000 YouTube Subscribers

How’s it going on this Free Training Friday? In celebration of crossing 1000 YouTube subscribers, I wanted to share with you exactly how I did it- and you can too, in 6 simple steps. For the full training I recorded for you with more details on each step, sign...

Income-Producing Activities

As an entrepreneur, you are paid for the value you bring, not the time you spend. Therefore, to increase your income, you’ll get best results when you focus on Income Producing Activities. But what are they? In this video, let me show you what are some...