Creating a dmo

Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, keeping busy all day but not making progress toward your goals?

Do you find yourself leaving the most important things until the end of the day and then having to either rush through them or abandon them all together?

If either of these apply to you, it may be time to consider a daily method of operation.


What is a Daily Method of Operation (DMO)?

Your DMO is as the name suggests, a framework of activities you accomplish do in a day. This is not a schedule for one specific day, but rather the activities you do daily.  You probably already have some sort of DMO for getting ready in the morning that includes breakfast, showering, getting dressed, brushing your teeth.  If you work outside the home, you also have a commute in your DMO.  Evening time also carries a DMO, even if it is just the sequence of events that you perform to prepare for bed.

Why use a Daily Method of Operation in your business?

A DMO will help you stay focused on income producing activities.  When you have a simple and clearly defined DMO, you’ll be able to get the important things done, before getting lost in a sea of emails or training videos.

A DMO lays a foundation to your day that you’ll be able to build on, day after day, to create results.  The daily activities may not take a lot of time but the results will compound.  After using a DMO for a week or two, you’ll start getting into a rhythm that will enable you to perform your tasks with less effort.

How do you create a Daily Method of Operation?

Defining your DMO comes down to identifying the top 3-4 activities in your business that will create revenue.  If you have a home business, that is likely to include

  • Contacting potential customers (leads) through email, phone, or social media
  • Marketing to attract new leads- placing paid ads and/or social media promotions
  • Fulfilling orders
  • Creating new products and services to stay current in the market

Once you’ve completed the activities in your DMO, it’s up to you if you want to do additional work in the business, such as sifting through emails.  Speaking of emails, if you’re flooded with them, this post  on how to clean your email inbox may help you out.

It’s that simple!

The daily method of operation works seamlessly with your business blueprint to move your business forward.

If you don’t have a DMO yet, it’s time to create one and implement it!

Remember, keep it simple and just do it.


To Your Success!
