If you’ve been searching for answers online, you’ve probably asked yourself who you can trust as an expert.  Who really knows what they’re talking about?  As you build your business online, whether its internet marketing, network marketing, an ecommerce store, or even a local business, it’s critical that you apply some basic credibility indicators to your online presence.  This applies to everything you do online- blogs, social media, video marketing,and anything else.  It’s easiest to build your credibility when you present yourself professionally and everything matches up.


Here’s how to build your credibility online quickly:

  1. Use profile pictures.  Seriously. A picture of your cat, or favorite sunrise, or the anonymous head outline doesn’t work. People wonder what you have to hide. If you want to build credibility, it starts with people being able to see your face and look into your eyes.
  2. Add audio or video to your website. This elevates connections with people to another level. Not only do they know what you look like, they can read your intonation and body language.  Don’t underestimate the value of people connecting with you through video.
  3. Include contact information. When you are accessible through another means, email, social media channels, even phone, this builds credibility.  People appreciate having an open door to communication with you instead of you being isolated from them.
    The most effective businesses are those who are connected and in conversation with their customers. Think about the big businesses who engage with customers on social media about customer service issues compared to those who try to ignore them or keep them quiet.  Which company would you feel more comfortable doing business with?  It is the same on an individual level.
  4. Use hosted email, not free email. Using a hosted email address instead of gmail, yahoo, or aol is a professional touch.  This is an easy thing to set up and you can even run hosted email addresses through google mail if you prefer it.
  5. Have a website with an About page. Let’s face it, if you don’t have your own digital real estate, people wonder if you’re really in business. A social media presence is important but if you don’t have your own website, it’s harder to convince people that you’re an established expert here to stay.
  6. Testimonials and/or Product Reviews.  Social proof creates credibility in a way that you talking about yourself cannot.  The more quality feedback, the better.  For example, you can see some of my testimonials here.

Most of these elements of credibility will only take minutes to add and make a huge impact on the connection that your audience has with you.

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